VSDebugPro Memory Features

VSDebugPro offers a robust set of memory manipulation features to enhance your debugging experience. These tools allow you to examine, modify, and analyze memory in various ways, providing deep insights into your application’s behavior.

Memory Dump
  • Purpose: Saves a specified region of memory to a file.
  • Command: dumpmem
  • Usage:

    dumpmem <filename> <address> <size>
  • Example:

    dumpmem c:\memdump.bin 0x00656789 200
  • Tutorial: Save memory
Hex Dump
  • Purpose: Displays memory content in hexadecimal and ASCII format.
  • Command: hexdump
  • Usage:

    hexdump <filename> <address> <size> [columns] [bytesPerRow]
  • Example:

    hexdump c:\hexdump.txt 0x00656789 200 8 32
  • Tutorial: C# hexdump
Memory Copy
  • Purpose: Copies data from one memory region to another.
  • Command: memcpy
  • Usage:

    memcpy <dst> <src> <size>
  • Example:

    memcpy 0x00656589 0x00656789 200
Memory Set
  • Purpose: Fills a block of memory with a specified value.
  • Command: memset
  • Usage:

    memset <dst> <val> <size>
  • Example:

    memset 0x00656589 0xFF 200
Memory Allocation
  • Purpose: Allocates memory in the debugged process.
  • Command: malloc
  • Usage:

    malloc <size>
  • Example:

    malloc 200
Memory Deallocation
  • Purpose: Releases previously allocated memory.
  • Command: free
  • Usage:

    free <address>
  • Example:

    free 0x00500000
Memory Load
  • Purpose: Loads data from a file into memory.
  • Command: loadmem
  • Usage:

    loadmem <srcfile> <address> <size>
  • Example:

    loadmem c:\memdata.bin 0x00656789 200