VSDebugPro Features

  • Console commands:

          help	Provides help information for commands.
         about	Opens the about window.
         alias	Alias allows creating command shortcuts.
      settings	Opens product settings dialog.
     stackwalk	Performs a structured dump of the call stack.
       dumpmem	Memory dump utility.
       loadmem	Load memory utility.
       hexdump	Memory hex dump utility.
        memcpy	Memory copy utility.
        memset	Fills a block of memory with a pattern.
          diff	Diff utility.
        malloc	Allocates memory in the process heap.
          free	Free memory allocated with malloc.
         print	Evaluates and prints the value of a symbol or expression.
        export	Fully expands a symbol or expression to a file.
          exec	Executes commands from an YAML file with Mustache templating.
  • Save memory blocks from Minidumps
  • Supports remote debugging sessions
  • Works with Visual Studio for ARM
  • Works with ARM programs while debugging
  • Works with x64 programs running emulated on ARM64EC
  • Works with x86/x64 targets
  • Compatible with any programming language in Visual Studio that implements the standard debugger interface