export (Export Symbol Command)


The export command in VSDebugPro evaluates and saves to a file the value of a symbol or expression in the current debug context. It’s a versatile tool for quick inspection of complex objects during a debugging session.
It is similar with the print command, but it outputs data to a file instead of printing to console.


export [options] <filename> <expression>
  • [options]: Optional flags to modify the command behavior.
    • -f: Force overwrite if the output file already exists.
    • -a: Append to the file if it already exists.
    • -j: Serialize to json format.
  • <filename>: The name of the file where the expanded expression will be saved.
  • <expression>: The symbol or expression to evaluate and export.
Usage Examples
  1. Export a simple variable:

     export myVar.txt myVariable
  2. Force overwrite an existing file:

    export -f existingFile.txt myExpression
  3. Append to an existing file:

    export -a logFile.txt newData
  4. Export the result of an expression:

     export result.txt (ptr->value * 100 + offset)
    Video tutorial

The following clip highlights a very simple usecase for the export command.

Check the print command page for more information.